17 June 2010
curiosity kills the cat.
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 2:15 AM 0 tindakbalas
13 June 2010
because in the near future, the fate of the world will be in our generation's hands.
I'm back to my home sweet home now. didn't see my fat cat for two days. me and my family went to Melaka in the weekends, but I'm not gonna talk about the trip.
But I'm gonna talk about something else.
If you're my schoolmate and your school is at SKUSJ12, you might notice that as the years pass by, the Year 1 students are becoming more and more violent, more and more vicious, more and more evil.
And some of them even know bad words. And from whom did they know all that? From us.
You see, we are an example to the young ones. The youngsters know nothing, so whatever we do, good or bad, they'll follow us if their minds were not yet developed enough to know which is good, which is bad.
And if you're in Standard 5 of SKUSJ12, you will notice that as the days pass by, the grades are not improving AT ALL, in fact they were worse than they have ever been before. At the way back yesterday, we went to Port Dickson to stop by, take a drink, stretch our legs, etc.
But if you look at the sea water, they were dirty with a capital D.
And who is doing that, other than we HUMANS?
I bet in 10,000 B.C, all the beaches in the world was EXTREMELY clear. there were no oil spills. they were no smokes. petroleum have not even be discovered yet. there were no pollution. even humans was as rare as a flying mammoth.
But now?
You see, in the near future, the fate of the world will be in our generation's hands. and don't you think 'Ah, who cares anyway? There's still a few decades we can enjoy', you are WRONG with a capital W. if we don't change our attitudes now and I mean NOW, than the whole world will be in HAVOC when the fate is in our hands.
So make a change while we still have time.
a.faris a.rizal
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 5:30 PM 0 tindakbalas
10 June 2010
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 8:59 AM 0 tindakbalas
wow, today is the first day in the mid-year holidays that was filled with activites!
we went to IOI mall today, and watch Shrek - Forever After... in 3D!
all the pictures are like coming out of the screen,
wow SMART GLER kot.. :p
but tomorrow, it'sback to my normal, boring life...
plan to go jogging pagi esok..
nak tengok kakmin nyer fitness level nie! leh catchup ke tak agaknye dia tu..
kk, gtg :)
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 4:04 AM 0 tindakbalas
09 June 2010
haisshhhh ,
a.faris a.rizal
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 5:05 PM 0 tindakbalas
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 7:53 AM 0 tindakbalas
hurrrmmm -.-
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 7:42 AM 0 tindakbalas
08 June 2010
can't you see.. i'm still loving you...
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 7:26 AM 0 tindakbalas
my holiday schedule..
in this two weeks holiday, everyone mesti fill up the time they have in their hands - because the clock keeps ticking and it never waits for us... so, after the last two days, i dah tau what to do in the holidays! now i only have one question.. what should i do in my spare time?
Every morning 6:30 am bangun pagi, gosok gigi, cuci muka, etc... by the time i finish, surely dah 7 something.. so what i do s switch on the laptop when no one is using, or if my sis is using it, i switch on the PS2 and play... with my tuiton bag on my side, of course.
pukul 9 - 11am, pergi tuiton. jumpa my 'special friend', you can guess who! :)
after balik tu, check if anyone is using the game consoles (i'm talkin bout PSP, PS2 and the laptop, yeah, the laptop is a game console to me -,-) if every game console is 'conquered' by others, then i sabar jelaa -.-
pastu play, play, play, lunch, pray Zuhur, play, play, play, pray Asar, then play skejap pastu check if it's raining or cloudy.. if it's not, then i pergi jogging! but if it is.. then naseb ah. i will be sticking my cute butt on this chair and continue playing :)
at night, buat apa2 larh. nighttime, not really planned lah. sheesh.. i sometimes read books macam Albert Einstein ker, Horrible Science ker.. (yeah you're right, my life is SCIENCE)
anyway, my holiday aims for the game RuneScape is just 46 Dungeoneering, and now i'm at 40.. and it's just the 2nd day of the holiday! (well, to be more exact, 4 days)
i can already tell, this two-week holiday is gonna rock! it's gonna be in my 'Best Memories' list - well at least i HOPE it will ;)
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 6:51 AM 0 tindakbalas
Man, i only have one word that consist of three letters to say to this guys - WOW. it's amazing how much creativity they have.. i wonder how they ever find the idea to do such things?? just loook at the part 21 vid.. there's a syringe, then the ball hits the magnet, and because the magnet's on different poles, they move.. then the dominoes fall, and it hits the ball.. and the ending! i just love the ending.. there's no doubt about it.. the human brain is amazing!
a.faris a.rizal
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 4:48 AM 0 tindakbalas
06 June 2010
happy times ;p
well, now my life is turned upside down and changed! as you know, for the last few weeks things were going downhill... but now i might say that i am back up agaaaain!
EVERYTHING, and yes i mean everything is back to normal! i am loving my life now!
and, for the last two days, i can say that i am ALREADY enjoying my holiday, even with my parents are here! i can tell, this holiday is goinna be SO much fun!
and anyone who lives around USJ11 and is close to my house, you can come over and play some games! because without my friends, i know i can't LIVE..
haha, right now i have no ideas on what to post! I am going jogging with my soulmates tomorrow, (i'm talkin bout Noie, Najwan and Wathiqah) anyone else wanna join? (fyi, we are going to USJ11 padang besar) right now i got lots to do, like play games and read books, but i prefer sitting here on the chair and going online...
Nothing to do here! Any ideas?!
a. faris a. rizal
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 3:20 AM 2 tindakbalas
04 June 2010
Do the Dew
My gosh, i can't go one week without this drink!! I'm SO 100% addicted to it!! once i get my hands on it, i can't stop taking a sip, until the whole thing finishes!!!
I think that there's a little problem with my brains.... what's wrong?!?!
I've been drinking this at least once a week since the last three weeks, and it didn't take long for me to find out that i was spending my money a little bit more than usual...
but what should i do? when i didn't come to school yesterday, i had exactly RM2.10 in my wallet... i couldn't help but to spend it for THE BEST DRINK IN THE WORLD...
but do you think that i'm doing the right thing? should i just stop taking this drinks or should i just kurangkan to at least twice a month?
ARRGGHHH what should i do????
a. faris
perkara2 tersirat di hati FarisRizal pada 5:40 AM 1 tindakbalas