A sneakpeak to my rocking life ;)

The name's Ahmad Faris b. Ahmad Rizal..
Saw the lights of the world on
now take a peek of my life..
and to my friends,
keep rockin my world like you always do!

02 April 2010

i survived april fool's - and just got my hands more typing work

anyway i know tht i was supposed to do this on april first but no time to update lah, sorry..
here's how my day went.

first, aku tgh duduk dkt blakang, dengan syafiq shukri. then suddenly, budak drjah 6 said - "hey today's friday right??", aku lak mcm "asal ngan budak nih??" then i said "no lahh its thursday.." pastu dia ckp "aprill fool's!"

anyway i really hate to say Islams doing this stuff.. but then, i think i should just chill up on this lovely-supposed-to-be day :p

at around 7:05 a.m., me and khai leong remembered about a joke in the Wimpy Kid story book, "Invisible Chirag". so we thought it would be pretty cool to do this on joshua.. haha!! yes, i think this will definitely work out. i think. but i was wrong.

5 minutes later. siva came to school - but he's talking with joshua!! we didn't have time to tell him. but we said, "Hey siva who're you talking to? i dont see anyone there..." and then siva was like what the hell? what's going on here...

another 5 minutes later. like 7:15 a.m, siva and THE WHOLE CLASS is in on the joke. even girls, yeah. you did read that right. EVEN GIRLS!!
tapi joshua found our weakness. i really know that joshua watches wrestling at least twice a week, and he's studied all the moves. so he pinned us down every way you could imagine. we were supposed to shout "OUCH!" but we covered the ouch with "Hey,, i feel like im floating, and it hurts." Joshua merajuk giler kot. i said to khai, "hey, i dont think josh will last longer than this. we'll stop this joke at recess."

but joshua went to the toilet, and after he went back to tapak perhimpunan he looked veryyy down. so i told khai leong, "let's stop now. poor joshua."

as assembly started, the whole class shouted "april fool's!" loudly at joshua. i didn't i just looked from the back. he had a smile in his face. well so do i...

1 tindakbalas:

Unknown said...

kitorang kena lagi terukkkk doe. hakhak :D