A sneakpeak to my rocking life ;)

The name's Ahmad Faris b. Ahmad Rizal..
Saw the lights of the world on
now take a peek of my life..
and to my friends,
keep rockin my world like you always do!

24 April 2010

I have good news ;p

yaaaaaaaaayyy!!! this is definitely a lucky day.

first good news - Syaza is out of the hospital. secondly - Manchester United menang lawan Tottenham. third - Nilam, after 2 tahun berturut-turut last finally naik third. and lastly - Dungeoneering skill best glerr..

and sebenarnya saya taknak cakap nie tapi saya ada badnews jugak, dance Bingeul Bingeul susah nak hafal and IMISSYOU and i can finally meet you on Monday.... this week is definitely mine YEEAAAHH

a. faris

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