A sneakpeak to my rocking life ;)

The name's Ahmad Faris b. Ahmad Rizal..
Saw the lights of the world on
now take a peek of my life..
and to my friends,
keep rockin my world like you always do!

16 March 2010

Huff...! Puff...! Where's the stop already??!?! ~2~

I thought "11/4 should be okay. there wont be any harm. i trust my brother. he can take care of me. i know he could.", i was correct alright. but i just cant trust myself that i can do it. we reached 11/4 in 10 minutes time, and before we know it we were up-and-running again.

It was okay. kinda. but after 5 or 6 blocks things started to go downhill. no, i'm not talking about the road. i'm talking about YOUR'S TRULY! my feet were aching. and i've read a book that says when you run you're handling with a mass THREE TIMES your body weight! but my mind tells me not to imagine that. just think positive.

3 minutes later, we heard some noise. it was like something panting. i looked at firdaus, he looked at me. both of us looked left. IT WAS A DOG!!! we couldnt jog anymore so we started walking. and believe it or not, the dog ran away just like that. but i had to thank the dog. he had given me a chance to walk - i really needed it!

after the final row, i was wheezing TERRIBLY. every step i take makes a crunching sound. i was horribly tired. but words of teachers flashed through my mind - "The point is not to win the race for the school, but to do what you think it's best." well what im thinking of right now is just REST!

but my brother kept motivating me. "Think positive, think positive." i listened to him. i think positive thoughts. believe it or not i was up and running again! when we were done with the route, we walked home. my brother kept asking me "Only THAT has made you tired?" i felt like slapping him. but i cant. he helped me get to this level. he was like my personal coach.

on our way back home, he asked, "Are you tired?" well, i felt like screaming "ARE YOU BLIND? DEAF, PERHAPS?!?!?!" because all you could hear at that moment is me huffing and puffing.

when we're done, he called me a dingbat that slowed him down. but i realised something, he never did THIS when he was standard 5. so maybe i could become an athlete like him.. maybe a better one.

and finally lemme just say that this holiday is different. it has, for the first time, changed my view at sports. my thinking of sports will never be the same again --- ever!!

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